In our community of preppers and survivalists, when it comes to medicine, we trust the voices of Nurse Amy and Dr. Bones of Doom and Bloom. Not only are these two healthcare practitioners fully trained and licensed in modern healthcare best practices, they are both skilled in and knowledgeable about holistic medicines and cures for disaster and survival situations. Today we want to focus on Nurse Amy’s contributions to the survivalist, prepper, and green living communities.
Nurse Amy Alton is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and certified midwife. Not only is she highly skilled in all things medicine — for example what prescriptions and over the counter meds will be most necessary after SHTF — she is also very knowledgeable about plant remedies and essential oils. Nurse Amy began making videos on YouTube more than five ago demonstrating how to grow a successful garden in your backyard. From there, she and Dr. Bones (her husband, Dr. Joe Alton) expanded their online presence to include survival techniques, medical best practices, and more gardening tips.
Nurse Amy boasts the largest medicinal garden in all of Florida and has been known to whip up a simple herbal cure for everything from cuts and bruises to the flu. She and Dr. Bones have written several best selling survivalist guide books, including The Survival Medicine Handbook, the NY Times bestseller The Ebola Survival Handbook, and The Zika Virus Handbook.
For more of Nurse Amy’s work in home remedies and medicinal gardening, check out her articles in Backwoods Home Magazine. She and Dr. Bones also host a podcast where they talk about medicine, health, and survival. They also release useful and information- packed articles on their website once a week.
For more information on the Doom and Bloom team, visit their website.